
Ice Skating:)


Ivar and Gunn Mari has arrived, an Ivar made dinner..deer-stew:) delicious:)

Walk around Torghatten

Merry Christmas:)

The Opening of the Presents begins:)

Christer sitter spent og følger med om han får åpne noen pakker:)
Christer is waiting to see if he gets to open any presents:)

Christer har fått ny pc:)
Christer got a new laptop:)

Noen av mine gaver.
Some of my presents.


Merry Christmas:)

Årets juletre:)
This years Christmastree:)

Vi prøver å få kontakt med gjengen på Inndyr via Skype. Ikke helt lett:)
We are trying to get in touch with the gang at Inndyr via Skype. Not easy:)

Christer spiller Glade Jul på piano for Mor og far på Inndyr:)
Christer is playing piano for my grandparents at Inndyr:)

Merry Christmas:)

Gunn Mari is looking forward to opening the presents:)


Making christmas

Bare litt pynt på ovnen:)
Just a little decoration on the oven:)

Dyp konsentrasjon for å få opp juletreet.
Deep consentration to get the tree up.

Ferdig julepyntet stue.
The livingroom is finished decorated.

Fine julekulen:)
A beautiful, and old christmas ornament:)

Moderen lager kjøttpudding med kokte egg i.
My mum is making meat loaf with boiled eggs in the middle.

Veldig godt julepålegg:)
Very nice to eat:)


Making Christmas:)



My mothers Christmas baking:)


My Christmaswindow:)

But not very Christmassy outside right now