Now I have cleaned the other deck at my aunts house. It went very fast without any problems:) The weather was great until I started cleaning, then the rain came. That`s so typical. But I didn`t notice the rain all that much, since I made my own rain:) Now we just need a few days with nice dry weather so the decks can dry up, and we can clean them more with a solution and oil them, så they`ll look great and last a long time:)
Deck swabbing:)
Så var den andre verandaen og vasket med høytrykksspyleren. Det gikk da kjappt og greitt:) Været var flott helt til jeg skulle begynne å vaske. Det er jo typisk. Men jeg merket ikke så mye til regnet siden jeg laget et fint regne selv mens jeg holdt på:) Nå gjelder det bare at vi får noen finværsdager så verandaene kan tørke så vi kan få renset dem og oljet dem så de blir fine og flotte:)
Now I have cleaned the other deck at my aunts house. It went very fast without any problems:) The weather was great until I started cleaning, then the rain came. That`s so typical. But I didn`t notice the rain all that much, since I made my own rain:) Now we just need a few days with nice dry weather so the decks can dry up, and we can clean them more with a solution and oil them, så they`ll look great and last a long time:)

Now I have cleaned the other deck at my aunts house. It went very fast without any problems:) The weather was great until I started cleaning, then the rain came. That`s so typical. But I didn`t notice the rain all that much, since I made my own rain:) Now we just need a few days with nice dry weather so the decks can dry up, and we can clean them more with a solution and oil them, så they`ll look great and last a long time:)
Abonner på:
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2 kommentarer:
Du verden. Endelig fikk du bruk for høytrykkspuleren. Det er jo greit at du har det så fint heime hos deg selv at du kan jhelpe tanta di.
Herhar det ikke regnet i dag.
Hilsen modern
Grethe er berre døktig! Er ikke lenger sikker på ka ho EGENTLIG bruka den innretninga te etter den kommentaren din!! Men gjorde no nytten på terassene :)
Velger å være anonym :):)
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