Yesterday it started snowing, and snowing and snowing and snowing. At one point I was a bit worried that I would have a problem getting home to Brønnøysund today. But today the snow has let up, and I see on the net that the airports do not have many delays anymore. That`s a relief, because I have looked forward to this weekend for a long time :) I`m going home for a spa-weekend at our local hotel. And I`m really looking forward to swimming a lot..and not least trying out the hot-tub outside:) It will be great. My mum is also going, and I`m sure we`ll have a great time.

Dette er hvordan det så ut i Brønnøysund omkring klokka 9.30 i morges. Ikke på langt nærr så mye snø som vi har her:)
This is what it looked like in Brønnøysund at around 9.30 this morning. Not nearly as much snow as it is here:)

Og dette er Fauske omtrent på samme tida:)
And this is Fauske at about the same time:)
Begge disse bildene er tatt fra webkamera på nettet
Both these pictures are taken from web cameras on net
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