Beautiful day in Brønnøysund:)
Min mor nyter en kopp kaffe i solskinnet.
My mum enjoying a cup of coffee in the sunshine.
Min far.
My dad.
Endelig fremme i Trondheim, og vi slapper av med et glass vin før sengetid:)
Finally in Trondheim, and we are relaxing with a glass of wine before bed:)
Dette er synet som møtte oss dagen etterpå, da vi skulle kjøre til Brønnøysund. Heldigvis var det varmt, så det lå ikke noe snø på veien:)
This is the sight that met us the day after, when we were driving to Brønnøysund. Luckily it was warm, so there was no snow on the road:)
At Charlie and Stephanie`s
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta:)
I dag var vi oppe i fem-tida! for å få med oss åpningen av årets ballong-fiesta. Det var et utrolig skue da flere hundre ballonger dro opp i lufta. definitivt verdt å stå opp så grusomt tidlig:)
Today we got up at about five am to catch the opening of this years balloon fiesta. It was an incredible sight to see several hundered balloons rise in the air. Definitively worth getting up at such ungodly hour of the night:)
Kua kom seg omsider opp i lufta:)
The cow finally made it up in the air:)
Today we got up at about five am to catch the opening of this years balloon fiesta. It was an incredible sight to see several hundered balloons rise in the air. Definitively worth getting up at such ungodly hour of the night:)
Kua kom seg omsider opp i lufta:)
The cow finally made it up in the air:)
Visiting the Alpacas
Vi dro og besøkte en alpakka-farm, og fikk nærkontakt med disse utrolig søte dyrene:)
We went to visit an alpaca-farm, and got a close encounter with these adorable animals:)
Dette er en av ungene hun hadde på farmen, og hun var så søt og myk:)
This is one of the babies she had on the farm, and she was so soft and cute:)
Alpakkaene var veldig nysgjerrige, men litt skvetne av seg, og myke og gode å ta på:)
The alpacas were very curious, but a bit shy, and very soft and nice to pet:)
We went to visit an alpaca-farm, and got a close encounter with these adorable animals:)
Dette er en av ungene hun hadde på farmen, og hun var så søt og myk:)
This is one of the babies she had on the farm, and she was so soft and cute:)
Alpakkaene var veldig nysgjerrige, men litt skvetne av seg, og myke og gode å ta på:)
The alpacas were very curious, but a bit shy, and very soft and nice to pet:)
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